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Executive Breakfast Program

Executive Breakfast

Main Event - Program

Main Event

Student WORKShop! Program 

Student Event

FREE Gratitude Resources! 

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Gift a Gratitude Table Sponsors


Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska


Lueder Construction Co. 

21-Day Gratitude Journal

Download our 21-Day Gratitude Journal created from the 2022 Gratitude Summit.

Check It Out

Gratitude Summit Playbook

Maximize your experience before, during, and after the Gratitude Summit with the brand-new Gratitude Summit Playbook.

Check It Out

DIY Forgiveness Workbook

Apply forgiveness in the professional world and see the endless benefits it can provide to your organization with the DIY Forgiveness Workbook.

Check It Out

Increased Employee Retention

 Organizations that implement the PERMA+4 Model see a 30% increase in employee retention rates over a three-year period.

Enhanced Productivity

 Employees working in environments where the PERMA+4 Model is applied report a 25% increase in individual productivity.

Increased Trust in Leadership

The PERMA+4 Model leads to a 35% increase in trust between employees and leadership

Improved Collaboration

Teams that operate under the principles of the PERMA+4 Model experience a 20% improvement in collaboration and teamwork.

Positive Organizational Culture

Companies that adopt the PERMA+4 framework report a 40% improvement in overall organizational culture, as measured by employee surveys.

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Keynote Speakers and Host

Dr. Stewart Donaldson

Dr. Donaldson serves as Distinguished University Professor and Executive Director of the Claremont Evaluation Center (CEC) and the Evaluators’ Institute (TEI) at Claremont Graduate University.  Co-founder of the world's first Ph.D. research program researching Positive Organizations.  

Professor Donaldson has recently developed the evidence-based PERMA+4 Well-being and Positive Functioning Framework to improve the effectiveness of organizations, leaders, teams, and workers.  He has also been honored with many career achievement awards for his research and evaluation contributions including the 2021 IPPA Fellow Award, 2019 IPPA Work and Organizations Division Exemplary Research to Practice Award, and the 2019 SIPPA Inspiring Mentor Award.

Josh Dotzler

Josh Dotzler serves as CEO of ABIDE, and inner-city nonprofit with the goal of revitalizing the inner city of Omaha one neighborhood at a time. Josh grew ABIDE into a household name with a multi-million dollar budget, mobilizing over 12,000 people annually and developing a 24-acre campus. His wealth of experience gives him the ability to speak to cultural and generational challenges.

As a Keynote Speaker and Performance Coach, Josh Dotzler is passionate about seeing individuals and organizations maximize their potential.​​ He wants to see everyone WIN in every area of life. Josh is a proven winner and leverages his experiences with the principles he’s learned to help others reach their version of success. A Creighton Bluejay, Josh has spent his life adding value to people with a purpose to ‘Champion people who champion change’ in the world. Josh has been married to his best friend Jen for over 15 years. Together they have 4 kids and a dog. 

Janyne Peek Emsick, Ph.D.

Your host, Janyne Peek Emsick, Ph.D., brings a passion to inspire, equip and connect people around the globe. This vision led Janyne to help found and lead three not-for-profit, volunteer run community events: The Gratitude Summit, Professional Women Connect Global, and YP-Executive Dialogues. 

Professionally, Janyne leads, bringing the power of brain science to executive coaching & consulting to clients across six contintents.  With three decades of experience in coaching leaders and their teams, Janyne thrives on finding hope and effectiveness in hard places. 

Janyne and her husband Mike also lead the design studio Emsick Architects.  Together, they've put to work the pricipals and practices of the Gratitude Summit.  In the past 2.5 years they have each faced and beat cancer, and most recently experienced the devistation of two hurricanes -- all while leading two thriving small businesses. 

Gratitude works!


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Additionally, if you are interested in gifting or sponsoring a table at the event, please inquire by selecting the boxes below.

We will be in contact with you on upcoming details! Thank you for your interest.